Monday, September 28, 2009

Boys Noize - Power (Review)

I'm not one of those people who has "runners".  You know, the sound that seems to always be in heavy rotation wherever you go, be it the iPod on the CD rack in the car.  When you're constantly on the hunt for new music, there's few tracks that really grab me for weeks on end.

Take this concept, apply it to an entire album, and that's how Boys Noize first album Oi Oi Oi came across for me.  It was like a personal soundtrack for months.  Turns out they featured one of the big singles on the GTA IV soundtrack, which added to its popularity.  Stealing cars, shooting cops, AND good tunes?  Overstimulation...

Anyways, this is the second album (excluding the various EPs, remixes and what not) from Boys Noize, and it doesn't disappoint if you're patient.  It lacks a bonafide club banger to start out the LP (Power's "Gax" vs. Oi Oi Oi's "& Down"?  No contest.), but once "Jeffer" rolls in, you'll start feeling déjà vu.

From there, high points include "Starter", "Nott", and "Sweet Light", high-energy tracks that are bound to be screwed, chopped, and remixed by all the hot producers out there.  Speaking of remixes, be on the look out for a Jeffer Remixes LP that should be dropping within a month or two.

If you're new to the genre and are looking for a reference-standard piece of electro, this is a great place to start.  I can't rate this one as high as Oi Oi Oi, but it's definitely worth more than a couple spins.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars (Definitely above-average)

Check back for a new album review sometime soon.

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