Saturday, February 20, 2010

Best Of 2009 Vol. 1

2009.  A good year all-around, whether you're talking about sports (depending on who your favorite team is), movies, and music.  Speaking of music, there's a couple tracks I want to highlight here in the *ahem* early part of the year.  Here's one of my favorites from last year.  Stop, look, and most importantly, listen!

To me, it's just one of those epic, set-openers that will just light up the floor and burn the walls down.  It's like a Guinness to me:  dark, but never too heavy, and always a precursor for a good night...ok, so comparing music to beers isn't my forte (probably couldn't ever be anyone's), but I'm just shooting from the hip here.  Also, the cover art on the EP is sick.  That's it for now, check back soon.

Back again

This will be the first post of 2010, and the first post in about 3 months or so.

Where have I been?  Well, my computer took a header and was out of commision for a bit, but luckily with the help of a good local compy shop (good looking out Kevin's Computer and Photo), I got my Windows 7 Ultimate swag back.

Be on the lookout, I'm serious about this blog this now...